The UNOG Staff Union represents the staff of all UN Secretariat entities at Geneva who are not represented by another statutory body. This includes all the staff of UNOG1, UNCTAD2, OHCHR3, UNDRR, ITC, ECE, JIU, IM Myanmar, IIIM Syria, IIMP Syria, OSE Syria, UNRISD, FICSA, GPAFI, UNIDIR and ICSMA. It also includes the Geneva-based staff of UNJSPF, ODA, OIOS, CEB, UNMAS, OAJ, UNOMS, and UNRIGD, as well as OCHA staff in Geneva, Istanbul and the Hague).
The Council of the union has 25 seats, which are filled by election every year. The Council in turn elects an Executive Bureau.
- work to promote your welfare and rights.
- represent you on a range of issues to management in Geneva and New York, as well as management of individual departments.
- keep you informed of developments that affect you.
- work to reflect your interests in policies and conditions of service.
- provide advice and legal assistance to victims of harassment and unjust decisions (conditions apply).
- participate in the bodies that review the correctness of selection decisions, as well as the ePas rebuttal, special post adjustment and related committees.
- represent your interests in the complimentary health insurance group (GPAFI), the savings and loans mutual (La Mutuelle), and the catering services committee.
- contribute to the Staff Benevolent Fund.
- oversee and support all staff bodies such as the clubs and societies, SAFI, the UN Today magazine, and the UN beach.