The Sectoral assemblies tackle issues specific to their office or department with their management. They report to the Council. They are elected annually by staff in the relevant office or department.
Whenever management plans on moving a group of staff, unit or section as part of a restructuring or other exercise, or undertake a downsizing, it is obliged by ST/SGB/274 to consult first with the relevant sectoral assembly. In the absence of a sectoral assembly, it should contact the Coordinating Council.
The executive head of each office or department is also required to meet at least four times a year with the sectoral assembly. A member of the Executive bureau should also be invited.
Staff who wish to establish a sectoral assembly in their office or department should contact the polling officers.
The Presidents of the Sectoral Assemblies are elected for one year are as follows:
Languages Service Sectoral Assembly
Interpretation Service Sectoral Assembly
ECE Sectoral Assembly
Security and Safety Service Sectoral Assembly
ITC Sectoral Assembly (ITC Staff Council)
Production and Support Services
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions of Sectoral Assemblies may not necessarily represent those of the UNOG Staff Union.