Stronger together

Join the UNOG Staff Union

The UNOG Staff Union represents the staff of the UN Secretariat in Geneva.

It represents you before management in Geneva and New York in all areas related to your conditions of service and welfare.

We need your support to continue fighting for your rights.

The UNOG Staff Union represents the staff of the UN Secretariat in Geneva.

It represents you before management in Geneva and New York in all areas related to your conditions of service and welfare.

We need your support
to continue fighting for your rights.

Top stories

Fundraising for UNRWA | Collecte de fonds pour l’UNRWA

You will all have seen that conditions in Gaza continue to deteriorate, with a serious famine imminent. Now more than ever, the work of UNRWA is vital. However, a number of member states suspended their contributions following allegations about the actions of a small...

Top stories

Our meeting with Administration on the Palais closures | Notre réunion avec l’administration sur les fermetures du Palais

Our meeting with Administration on the Palais closures | Notre réunion avec l’administration sur les fermetures du Palais

On Friday, the Union’s leadership met with UNOG Administration in the framework of a Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC).  We discussed the liquidity saving measures in place and practical issues following the staff moves.  During the...

The Palais closure savings are relatively small and not worth the cost | Les économies réalisées grâce à la fermeture du Palais sont relativement faibles et n’en valent pas le coût

The Palais closure savings are relatively small and not worth the cost | Les économies réalisées grâce à la fermeture du Palais sont relativement faibles et n’en valent pas le coût

Following a unanimous decision of our Council we will be meeting administration later this week to express our strong concerns regarding the Palais closures. In the meantime, many of you have asked us for data on the actual savings. We have now...

Staff magazine

The official magazine of international civil servants.

UN Beach

Beach, port and restaurant, open to all UN staff and members of the broad UN family. 
