Have you been given a bad ePas, do you have questions about how the system works, are you not sure if the proper procedures are being followed or how you should go about your ePas?
The ePas (see ST/AI/2010/5) is the official tool for monitoring your performance and a bad ePas can have an impact on your career prospects and even your next contract renewal.
If you encounter issues regarding your e-Pas, please contact the Staff Union unogstaffunion@un.org at so that your query can be forward to our focal points.
Important tips
You have only 14 days to rebut an unfair ePas from the day you sign it. If you do not sign your ePas, it is deemed signed 14 days after receipt.
Management has the responsibility to ensure your ePas starts and ends on time with necessary meetings required. If, as a result of management inaction these procedures are not followed or your ePas is done retroactively, you may be able to have the ePas invalidated should you wish to contest its rating.
A rating of fully satisfactory should be awarded if you meet the majority of your performance targets, not necessarily all of them.