How does your department compare in the award of ePas ratings?
September 3, 2013

Following a number of requests we are pleased to share with you a graph showing how ePas grades were awarded across different departments of the UN.

We have raised the disparities with New York. However, should you have any concerns, you may also wish to discuss this with your supervisor.

According to ST/AI/2010/5:

  • A rating of “exceeds performance expectations” should be considered in cases where the staff member has surpassed the success criteria and/or performance expectations for the majority of the defined goals/key results and/or has continually gone beyond expectations; significantly surpassing success criteria and/or performance expectations in quantity and quality.
  • a rating of “successfully meets performance expectations” should be considered in cases where the staff member has fully achieved the defined success criteria and/or performance expectations for the majority of the goals/key outputs during the performance cycle.
  • a rating of “partially meets performance expectations” should be considered when the staff member did not meet the defined success criteria and/or performance expectations for some of the goals/key results but demonstrates potential to develop the required skills.
  • a rating of “does not meet performance expectations” should be considered when the staff member did not meet the defined success criteria or performance expectations for the majority of the goals/key results.

There is therefore not scope for quotas, informal or otherwise.