Farewell Olga

Please use this form to express your message of condolences to Olga’s family.

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78 entries.
Emilie Huang Emilie Huang wrote on February 17, 2023 at 5:40 pm
I can't believe that Olga is no longer with us... I got to know her through the organization of the DCM party several years ago. It was largely thanks to her encouragement and help that we managed to put up a last-minute tango demonstration... her smile and her positive energy have always impressed me whenever I met her in the corridors of the Palais. Rest in peace Olga. My deepest condolences to the family, with a special thought to your little angel.
Aisha Aisha wrote on February 14, 2023 at 12:18 pm
I was away on holiday when I received the shocking and sad news. I could not believe it and like many of us remain saddened by this untimely demise of the Angel that you are/were, dearest Olga. In Maldives we have a saying when we lose exceptional souls in sudden ways that they are angels that get called back to heaven. Nothing can be more true of you, who was just so full of life and light and good energy that positively touched everyone you knew you and were around you. I mourn for your family and close friends and remain heartbroken like many of us who knew you.
Rózsa Rózsa wrote on February 13, 2023 at 5:53 pm
Sincere condolences to the whole family, friends and colleagues. Wishing you all strength in these difficult times. I met Olga once or twice and interacted with her few times. I found her to be really kind, helpful and energetic. Her passing is really sad.
Silvia Mercogliano Silvia Mercogliano wrote on February 8, 2023 at 9:20 pm
La tua mamma splendeva come il sole. Il suo sorriso era sincero e i suoi occhi raggianti e pieni di gioia. Impossibile non volerle bene al primo incontro. La prima volta che l'ho incontrata mi ha parlato del suo baby, di te, di cui era fierissima. E dietro questo sorriso dolcissimo c'era una grandissima forza di volontà che la portava a volere conciliare famiglia e lavoro, anzi piu' che il semplice lavoro di routine: la voglia di avanzare professionalmente. Una donna e una mamma ammirevole. Spero che crescendo sentirai tutto l'amore che lei aveva per te e che riuscirai a sentirla sempre con te. Io certo non mi scordero' di quegli occhi speranzosi che guardavano al futuro. Condoglianze a tutti voi, siamo profondamente addolorati. Riposa in pace dolce Olga.
Carol Waites Carol Waites wrote on February 8, 2023 at 8:15 am
I was your English teacher a few years back. You were full of life and plans. You upgraded your qualifications as a mature student to further your career and for the sheer pleasure of study. You were a ray of sunshine in the classes and when chatting in the corridors of the UN. So pleased you left your legacy in the form of your young daughter who you will guide through her life in many ways. Everyone shares their deep shock and sadness together and gives the family strength to go on for her sake and in her memory.
Michéle Arnaud Michéle Arnaud wrote on February 7, 2023 at 9:06 pm
Ma très chère amie Olga je suis anéantie par ce départ précipité,nous avons tellement passées de si bon moment au bar presse,je suis heureuse d avoir été ton amie et t aura toujours une grande place dans mon coeur toi qui a toujours été la pour moi dans mes durs moments de la vie. Pensée forte a toutes ta famille,ton mari et ta puce. Merci Olga de t avoir rencontrés sur ce cour chemin de la vie.
Rebecca Edgington Rebecca Edgington wrote on February 7, 2023 at 11:08 am
My heartfelt condolences to all of Olga’s family and friends. Olga brought joy into so many lives, with her warm and generous heart and smile, her positive energy and her many talents. Olga had a talent for communicating, for organizing, for making everyone she met feel happier, for singing and creativity. She was a true people person and I loved working with her on celebrations such as the International Day of Sign Languages, English Language Day and UNOG Open Day. Seeing her shine on stage and hearing her sing was a joy, but she also shone backstage, making events happen. Olga’s support and positivity, encouraged people to do more than they thought they could, she remains an inspiration. May she rest in peace.
Soumiya Soumiya wrote on February 5, 2023 at 9:36 pm
My heartfelt condolences to Mila and family. Wishing you peace, comfort and courage!
Celine Cheung Celine Cheung wrote on February 3, 2023 at 12:09 am
Dearest Olga, may you always have light, love & happiness wherever you will go. I am deeply saddened by your untimely parting so soon and will remember always your gracefulness, happy smiles, full of positivity, energy, and your remarkable singing. You will be dearly missed. My prayers and deepest condolences to your family and Mila. Bless you & may they find strength and comfort during these difficult times...
Brianne Magnat Brianne Magnat wrote on February 2, 2023 at 9:18 am
Ho conosciuto Olga quando lavoravamo sul progetto per i tirocinanti e poi quello sul'innovazione. Era sempre disponibile ad aiutare, sorridente, amichevole. L'ho vista alcuni mesi fa e abbiamo chiachierato un po'. Mi aveva mostrato alcune foto di Mila, sorridente come lei. Abbiamo parlato del ruolo difficile, ma tanto bello, di essere parenti. Anche se non ci conosciamo direttamente, se avete bisogno di aiuto, potete contattarmi. Posso anche mettervi in contatto con la mia amica che ha vissuto una situazione simile, quando il suo bimbo aveva 9 mesi all'epoca (adesso ha 2 anni). E' impossibile immaginare la tristezza delle vostre famiglie. Le mie sincere condoglianze.
Anne Aboh Dauvergne Anne Aboh Dauvergne wrote on February 1, 2023 at 4:26 pm
May Olga live with us forever. Her passion and enthusiasm will not be forgotten. We will always remember Olga as the liveliest person, as the person who would make your day. Olga, que la terre te soit légère ! Anne
Anne Aboh Dauvergne Anne Aboh Dauvergne wrote on February 1, 2023 at 4:21 pm
Dear Olga, Dear Family, Dear Mila, Life is tough and not always fair. We will remember Olga as an exceptional human being who enlightened our lives. Olga is with us forever. Thinking of you in these difficult times. May you find peace and serenity with time. Anne
David Lightbound David Lightbound wrote on February 1, 2023 at 4:20 pm
Always a smile and a kind word. So sad that your daughter will grow up without you but in years to come she will know, through these pages and first hand through family and friends, how respected and appreciated her mother was. Rest in Peace Olga.
Carole Akiki Carole Akiki wrote on February 1, 2023 at 3:41 pm
Sincere condoleces to the family. May she rest in eternal peace, and may God give her family the strength to overcome her loss.
Ivana Milicevic Ivana Milicevic wrote on February 1, 2023 at 2:52 pm
I cannot express how much we loved and cherished Olga. She will be in our hearts and memories forever. My deepest sympathies to Olga’s family and friends.
Brigitte Ruby Cosgrove Brigitte Ruby Cosgrove wrote on February 1, 2023 at 1:31 pm
Dearest Olga, Your smile, positive energy and enthusiasm will NEVER be forgotten! My sincere condolences to all who have known her.
Лидия Григорьева / Lidiya Grigoreva Лидия Григорьева / Lidiya Grigoreva wrote on February 1, 2023 at 12:50 pm
Искренние соболезнования семье Ольги - маме, папе, брату, мужу, дочке, всей семье и друзьям. Какая непереносимая трагедия, жестокая несправедливость и глубокая боль. Не представляю как тяжела для вас эта потеря. Ольга была светлым и лучезарным человеком, озаряющим энергией и светом все вокруг себя. С ней было очень легко и приятно работать и общаться - любое дело ей было в радость и по плечу. Своей работой и легким характером она заслужила уважение и любовь своих коллег. Рада что мне довелось узнать Ольгу и поработать с ней. Частичка ее души останется в так любимой ею дочке Миле. Скорблю вместе с вами. Царствие ей небесное.
Marian Aggrey Marian Aggrey wrote on February 1, 2023 at 11:08 am
I’m sorry to learn of the passing of Olga. She was indeed a ray of sunshine and radiated so much positivity on the occasions that I had the privilege of working with her. She will be fondly remembered! May her sweet soul rest in eternal peace!
LILIANA SEMON LILIANA SEMON wrote on January 31, 2023 at 3:45 pm
La disparition de Olga laisse un grand vide dans nos coeurs. Une personne magnifique qui nous communiquait tant de joie par son sourire rayonnant et sa personalité enjouée. Et c'est pourquoi aujourd'hui le ciel brille avec son arrivée. Des douces pensées pour sa famille. Tu resteras à tout jamais dans nos coeurs.
Andrew Johnson Andrew Johnson wrote on January 31, 2023 at 2:01 pm
Though we had little contact, the memories I have of you are very joyful. You were a beautiful person with an amazing ambience and an excellent voice. My most heartfelt condolences go out to your family and loved ones at this very sad time in their lives. May you rest in peace dear Olga and your memory continue to bring the joy to all your colleagues and loved ones that you have brought to them over the years.
Astrid Couzian Astrid Couzian wrote on January 31, 2023 at 1:12 pm
Dear family and loved ones, I never thought I would have one day to write a message of condolences for Olga. I am heartbroken and can only imagine your pain and despair. I met Olga in 2017 and she brightened my life. Olga was one of the warmest and kindest people I had ever met. She was genuine and generous. Her love for life was contagious and there was never a grey day with her. Her smile, her energy, her authenticity. She will always be in my heart and in my thoughts.
Kate Kate wrote on January 31, 2023 at 11:14 am
It was a terrible shock to hear such tragic news. My deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences go to Olga's family during this painful time, especially to her husband and young daughter. Olga was pure sunshine. Always happy and positive and smiling. She was the sweetest person and a kind colleague. A beautiful person. I had the privilege of working with her on numerous occasions. She is sorely missed. May you rest in peace with the angels, dear Olga.
Marie-Laure Avon Marie-Laure Avon wrote on January 31, 2023 at 10:57 am
Chers tous, Il n'y a pas de mots face à une nouvelle si cruelle et inacceptable. Olga a su toucher toutes les personnes qu'elle rencontrait par sa grâce et sa chaleur humaine. Je garde d'elle l'image d'une jeune femme solaire et radieuse. Mes pensées vous accompagnent dans ces moments de peine.
Virginie Virginie wrote on January 31, 2023 at 10:12 am
Rest in peace. We will always remember your smile and positive energy. Lots of love
Malta Malta wrote on January 31, 2023 at 9:35 am
Rest in peace, dear Olga. I knew you only briefly, but indeed, you were truly "a ray of sunshine", always with a generous smile, lighting up the day of people who surrounded you. My thoughts are with your family and friends.
Céline et Gael Céline et Gael wrote on January 31, 2023 at 9:28 am
C’est avec beaucoup de peine que je vous présente mes plus sincères condoléances. Il n’y a probablement pas de mot assez puissant pour vous réconforter aujourd’hui dans votre profond chagrin après la disparition d’Olga. Je l’ai connue en tant que collègue et amie, nous travaillions dans le même couloir il y a quelques années. C’était un véritable rayon de soleil, toujours souriante et avenante, la gentillesse incarnée. La vie est parfois injuste et vous laisse aujourd’hui dans la pénombre. Je prie pour que le temps puisse faire son œuvre et apaiser un peu votre tristesse. Je serai de tout cœur avec vous aujourd’hui en pensées pendant la cérémonie en l’honneur de Olga. Reposes en paix Olga. Céline et Gael
Dominika Tomaszewska-Mortimer Dominika Tomaszewska-Mortimer wrote on January 31, 2023 at 9:26 am
My most heartfelt condolences to Olga's family. I wish you strength and courage at this painful time. Olga was such a wonderful young woman and touched the hearts of so many. We will all cherish the memories of her radiance and her kindness. May she rest in peace.
Anne Fassotte Anne Fassotte wrote on January 31, 2023 at 8:10 am
Olga’s light will keep shining in my heart. Her warm smile was a gift she gave freely and it will stay with me. I grieve with her family.
Corinne Momal Vanian Corinne Momal Vanian wrote on January 30, 2023 at 10:34 pm
Cher Stefano, chère Mila, chère famille, Nous sommes tous brisés, envahis par le chagrin. Je voudrais tant pouvoir remonter le temps, parler à Olga, sentir son amitié, voir son sourire, l’entendre chanter. Il faudra tellement de temps pour accepter , essayer de comprendre, émerger de ce cauchemar. Je ne peux pas imaginer votre peine . Mais je peux vous promettre d’être là pour vous si je peux faire quoi que ce soit. En attendant, vous êtes dans mes pensées, mes prières. Olga vit en vous , en nous tous. Qu’elle repose en paix pour toujours.
Bee Keyzer Bee Keyzer wrote on January 30, 2023 at 3:58 pm
Olga, I am still in complete shock and disbelief after the terrible news of your passing. Ever since we met, we became colleague/friends, and I have enjoyed organizing the DCM parties with you and meeting up for a coffee from time to time. I will never forget your kindness, empathy, and understanding after my accident, this meant so much to me. I still have the orchid, you gave me at the time, in my office at home and I used to send you pictures of it every time it bloomed. I have felt so helpless during the last week, and have once again been thunderstruck by how unfair life can be. My thoughts have been with your family, your husband and little daughter Mila, and the pain they must be going through. Dear family, my sincere condolences for your loss, Olga was an exceptional person who touched many lives, including mine. I hope and pray you to find strength during these terrible times. Rest in peace, Olga! I will not forget you and will cherish the memories every time the orchid blooms again.
Weixiu Weixiu wrote on January 30, 2023 at 3:51 pm
Words cannot express how saddened I am at our loss of Olga. She was pretty, sunny and always smiling. May her soul rest in peace.
Simon Simon wrote on January 30, 2023 at 3:01 pm
Dear Family and Friends of Olga, my thoughts are with you. Olga was a most wonderful colleague, bringing joy and compassion to the office every day. I cannot imagine what you are going through, and I wish you strength and courage to overcome this incredible loss. You can be proud of her in every aspect of life, and she will be in our hearts forever. Rest in Peace.
Tonghuan Zhang Tonghuan Zhang wrote on January 30, 2023 at 2:42 pm
It was my great privilege to have known Olga since we attended the same French class years ago. Olga was no doubt one of the most brilliant, radiant and kind-hearted persons I know. Her passion for life, her genuine care for other people and her talent are exactly the kind of things that affirmed my belief in humanity and a better world. She will be remembered as a warm ray of sunshine that lighted up all those around her. Rest in peace, Olga.
Claudia Fresan Claudia Fresan wrote on January 30, 2023 at 2:31 pm
Dear Оленька, I remember the first time I saw you, some years ago, in the office of the Director of DCM. I was received by three beautiful angels (Corinne’s angels at that time), one of them was you. I will always remember your generosity, your golden hair, your warmth and eagerness to help at all times, and your radiant smile. You will be sorely missed, Olga. And to your friends, family and little Mila, may the memories of you help them find comfort.
Esther Esther wrote on January 30, 2023 at 2:01 pm
My deepest sympathies to Olga's family, to her husband and daughter, to her friends and colleagues. May her soul rest in peace.
Aziyadé Poltier Aziyadé Poltier wrote on January 30, 2023 at 12:45 pm
My deepest and heartfelt condolences to the Family. Olga, your smile was a ray of light, your words were always so kind and you were such a positive and enthusiastic beautiful woman, we will miss you so much. Rest in peace, dear Olga.
Lisa Campbell Lisa Campbell wrote on January 30, 2023 at 10:51 am
My dear Olga, It breaks my heart that you have left us so soon. I am still finding it so hard to believe. We are all the better for having had you in our lives, your positivity, integrity, kindness and grace still shine like a light. Sleep now dear angel, you will be missed xx
Nicole Dawe Nicole Dawe wrote on January 30, 2023 at 10:27 am
Dearest Olga, I feel very privileged to have known you. I loved working with you. I remember your time with us at the Information Service, but also projects later on, as recently as last month. I truly value your positivity and happiness, your amazing radiance. We will remember your fondly, a special place is kept for you in our hearts. I am thinking of your family, friends and colleagues. All my love! Nicole
Jilan Nada Jilan Nada wrote on January 30, 2023 at 10:25 am
A kind soul is resting in heaven now, in a better place far away from here. My deepest condolences to the family.
Susanna Garcia Susanna Garcia wrote on January 30, 2023 at 10:14 am
My sincerest condolences to Olga’s family and friends. She will be sorely missed.