Townhall on salary cut, staff-management relations, gender policy and housing, 17 October 2013
October 16, 2013

Further to our two Townhall meetings held in early July 2013,  and as promised, the UNOG Staff Council would like to invite you to join us for a further Townhall information session in order to update you on what your Staff Council along with the other Councils in the United Nations system have been doing, both through unions and governments in member states and at a recent meeting with the Secretary-General to try to bring Management back to the negotiating table and to protect your fundamental labour rights as enjoyed by employees in the rest of the world. The new rules on travel are an example of why a proper negotiating framework is needed.

We will also inform you on a salary cut being proposed by certain member states and seek your views on management’s proposed gender policy. 

In addition, we will take the opportunity to brief you on the importance of the upcoming ICSC Housing Survey which must be completed by the end of this month.   

We therefore invite you to a townhall this Thursday at 1.30 p.m. in Room XIX (E-Building).  Please note that we have requested Administration to provide translation into French for the session, but are still awaiting confirmation.   

We are looking forward to seeing you there.